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Child sessions run on Monday and Thursday. From September, we have changed a few things within the Club.

We understand that having to pay BSC subscriptions in addition to the monthly fees in one month, can be hard on your finances. So from September, we will be asking you to pay in a different way. The following amounts will apply, dependent on your child's swimming group. This fee will include the annual BSC subscription so for yet another year, we have not raised the monthly fees.


Monthly Fee
Days & Times
Monday & Thursday - 7:30pm - 8:30pm
Monday & Thursday -7:30pm - 8:30pm
Monday & Thursday - 6:30pm - 7:30pm
Monday & Thursday - 6:30pm - 7:30pm
Monday 5:30pm - 6:00pm OR 6:00pm - 6:30pm | Thursday - 6:00pm - 6:30pm
Monday 5:30pm - 6:00pm OR 6:00pm - 6:30pm
Friday 8:00pm - 9:00pm


Our beginner groups,  E & F, swim on Monday 5.30pm or 6.00pm or Thursday evenings at 6.00pm and are taught basic stroke/improvement to their stroke technique and reach the ability to swim five lengths in two reasonable strokes without stopping. This then gives the club a guideline to transfer into Group D.


Group D swims on Monday and Thursday at 6.30pm. In this group further stroke techniques are taught and at this stage timing of the children takes place over 50 metres in front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke. Timings are recorded on the first Monday of each month. The children’s timings can be recorded in their own record card, so they can hopefully see their improvement each month.  When the necessary qualifying times and stamina is reached they transfer to Group C.


Group C swims at 6.30pm on Monday and Thursday, stroke techniques and stamina building are combined until again qualifying times are achieved.

Please note that all the transfers are at the discretion of the teachers and trainers as to whether they consider the swimmer is able to cope with the more intensive training.


Group B swims at 7.30pm on Monday and Thursday. In this group the emphasis changes from teaching to swim to training, more time is given to stamina and speed, but with stroke correction still a high priority.


Again transfer from Group B to A is determined on times and trainers’ recommendations.


Group A swims at 7.30pm on Monday and Thursday, the emphasis is stamina and speed training for competition or just exercise for those not interested in competing.

These fees have taken into account the 11 months we swim, Christmas holidays and the 4 extra bank holidays that fall on a Monday and have been averaged out. 


We are unable to refund fees for the odd unexpected pool closure, but if possible and requested, there may be an opportunity for your child to swim on another evening.  


By joining the Club you agree to pay our pricing schedule (as above) in full.

If you are unable to swim, fees still need to be paid to keep your child's place open.


The external ASA insurance fees will still be due in January.


Come along on any Thursday at 6pm to Battle Abbey Pool, where we can assess what group is best for you.

DATES 2019/2020

2nd September - 20th December 2019

6th January - 24th July 2020


21st December - 5th January 2020

Good Friday and  Easter Monday

Mayday bank holiday (early May)

Spring bank holiday (late may)

August bank holiday

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